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  • Thanks to friends like you, Pass a smile international is reaching out to hurting tornado victims in Ohio . Thanks to friends like you, pass a first smile international is reaching out to hurting tornado victims in Ohio.


Welcome to Pass a Smile International, where every smile is a symbol of hope and every donation makes a difference in the lives of those in need.

About Us

Pass a Smile International is passionate about helping to relieve suffering and poverty around the world through our FEED programmes – Feeding, Educating, Empowering and Developing. We are dedicated to giving hope to those in need and providing people with an opportunity to develop emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually.

We are invested in transforming whole lives – body and soul – of the most vulnerable people by long-term development projects, regardless of religion or nationality as well as work in effective partnerships to make a real difference to those in need.

Our vision is to see people and their lives transformed, for them to become self-sustainable, empowered and encouraged.
There are so many needs and desperate situations around the world but if we can help even one person, by turning tears into smiles, that’s what it’s all about.


God has called us to ‘bring good news to the poor’ and so we strive to share God’s love with those we work with. Smile International is run on strong ethical and Christian principles and it is a privilege to serve God in this way.

We work to bring smiles to those who are struggling, feeling lost, hopeless and hungry. We want to see these situations turned around and for people to be given opportunities that they only dreamed of

A smile of happiness, a smile of relief, a smile of safety and a smile of hope, this is why we do what we do.

Our Team

Here at Smile International, we are passionate helping to relieve suffering and poverty around the world through our FEED programmes – Feeding, Educating, Empowering and Developing. We are dedicated to giving hope to those in need and providing people with an opportunity to develop emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually.

We are able to do this through our UK based team here in the Smile International HQ but also through our many dedicated teams that we have who are based in the countries where we work.

Meet some of our UK team

Meet Clive and Ruth -
our founders

Meet Tim - our CEO

Meet Emily - our Head of Communications

Meet Zoe - part of our Finance team

Our Plan

All donations will go to support 3 main problems: food, education, health. Our project is working with troubled kids and we’ve achieved great successes.


Spread the word about our program. Even a small donation will make a huge difference.

Give Scholarships

Give the gift of knowledge and future with our education packages.

Our Services


For many children, education is just a dream because they are denied access as a result of poverty, war or natural disaster.


In the United States, and around the world, You are helping fill hungry bellies and fight hunger-related health problems through compassionate hunger relief programs in homesentire communities!


We are passionate about feeding the hungry. We feed many children and adults each school day and the results speak for themselves.


Our Empowering programme provides men and women with the opportunity to take control of their own lives.

These kids require your help!

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