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  • Thanks to friends like you, Pass a smile international is reaching out to hurting tornado victims in Ohio . Thanks to friends like you, pass a first smile international is reaching out to hurting tornado victims in Ohio.

An Inspiring mission
to embrace


Our mission is to empower, support, and enhance the quality of life for the Visually impaired, widows, and underprivileged children in Ghana and across sub-Sahara Africa through comprehensive humanitarian aid initiatives. We strive to provide education, healthcare, livelihood, and social inclusion opportunities ensuring the development of independence, and well-being.


Join hands with us to make the word a better place to live. We Are Committed To Preventing And Ending Homelessness, upliftment of youth and underprivileged people. We want to make ensure that every orphan child have access to Food, Health, Water and Education



For many children, education is just a dream because they are denied access as a result of poverty, war or natural disaster.


In the United States, and around the world, You are helping fill hungry bellies and fight hunger-related health problems through compassionate hunger relief programs in homesentire communities!


We are passionate about feeding the hungry. We feed many children and adults each school day and the results speak for themselves.


Our Empowering programme provides men and women with the opportunity to take control of their own lives.

At Pass a Smile International, we believe that education is a powerful tool for empowerment and social change. We are committed to providing quality education and equal opportunities to the visually impaired, widows, and underprivileged children. Through our educational programs, we aim to break down barriers and create an inclusive learning environment ….Read more

We are passionate about feeding the hungry. We feed many children and adults each school day and the results speak for themselves.We have always been passionate about feeding here at Smile International, so much so that it’s our acronym for our main programmes, FEED – Feeding, Educating, Empowering and Developing.  ….Read more

In the United States, and around the world, You are helping fill hungry bellies and fight hunger-related health problems through compassionate hunger relief programs in homesentire communities! Livelihood support programs often include components related to nutrition and healthcare. Livelihood support initiatives may also focus on broader community development efforts. ….Read more

Our Empowering programme provides men and women with the opportunity to take control of their own lives.

To empower means to “make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.” We get so excited about empowering others and our micro-financing programmes are a great way of giving people the support that they need to realise their dreams and ambitions….Read more

Pass a smile International

An Inspiring mission to embrace

At Pass a Smile International, we believe that education is a powerful tool for empowerment and social change. We are committed to providing quality education and equal opportunities to the visually impaired, widows, and underprivileged children.

Founded in 1958 by the Methodist Church – Ghana, The Wa School for the Blind is dedicated to providing academic, socio-economic, and moral training to children with visual impairments, empowering them for self-reliance from Pre school to post Junior Secondary School.

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  1. Write a check payable to "PASS A SMILE INTERNATIONAL"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "PASS A SMILE INTERNATIONAL"
  3. Mail your check to:

    111 Not A Real St.
    Anytown, CA 12345

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Donation Total: $100.00

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